Home » Spring Greens Salad with Crispy Shallots

Spring Greens Salad with Crispy Shallots

Every recipe I create is usually inspired by either a seasonal ingredient, a flavor profile or beautiful food photography. This spring kale salad with crispy shallots was a little bit of each. I used seasonal ingredients like arugula, peas, basil and shallots and was looking for a crunchy, flavorful and satisfying salad. Adding crispy shallots to this salad came to me because I love salads with an extra crunch and found this fried shallot recipe in a cookbook I just purchased!

Spring Greens Salad with Crispy Shallots

Serving Size:


  • 10 kale leaves *stems removed*
  • 4 cups arugula
  • 2 cups English peas
  • 1 tbsp grass-fed butter
  • 6 whole shallots *thinly sliced*
  • avocado oil *for frying*
  • 2 cups snap peas *thinly sliced – lengthwise*
  • 1 lemon (zested + juiced)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3/4 cup manchego *finely grated*
  • 1/2 cup basil *torn into pieces*
  • sea salt + pepper


  1. Add the avocado oil to a deeper saute pan til its about half an inch high. Bring to a high heat so that when you add the shallot it sizzles in the oil. Add in the thinly sliced shallots and fry until they are gold brown. About 5-6 minutes. Then remove from the oil and let sit on a paper towel.
  2. In another pan, melt the butter and add in your English peas. Season with salt and pepper and sauté for 7-8 minutes. Set aside and let cool.
  3. In a large salad bowl and in the kale and drizzle with the olive oil and squeeze on lemon juice. Massage the kale with your hands until tender. Add in the arugula and toss to coat all of the leaves in the lemon and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper
  4. Add in the basil, snap peas, and sautéed English peas. Then top with the freshly grated Manchego cheese, lemon zest, and the fried shallots.

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